Felisian Navy Department of AstroCartography to the attention of Rear Admiral Skinnymon, Officer neuzd Subject Felisian Naval Nomenclature Survey - Mission Briefing ~ PROJECT COREL ~ :: Mission 3 :: Previous Missions recap: Mission 1: Blanco Empty Survey status : completed crew(s) : Rear Admiral Skinnymon Mission 2: Khadeon Alpha Survey status : completed crew(s) : Officer neuzd MISSION PRESENTATION: The object of investigation is one of the regions known for the formulation of the Cosmic Harmonic Frequency Theory, a so called 'Cosmic Resonance Location', more commonly known as 'Grids'. PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: Collect data to analyze the behaviour of the various mapping instruments developed by the Felisian Scientists over time. The activities requested to the crews are: - naming a certain number of stars - reporting any kind of labeling or parsis-reconaissance anomalies by the SD's onboard computer. - producing an outbox at the end of the mission which is to be sent to the Department of AstroCartography MISSION RESTRICTIONS: Assigning labels to any other star is not recommended unless it occurred before the beginning or after the end of the mission. If the crew(s) will ignore this suggestion it is required that any labels unrelevant to the mission objective get carefully reported. This restriction does not apply to labeling orbiting objects or writing notes in the GUIDE. MISSION CREW(S); crew #1: SD Litterbox - Skinnymon, Rear Admiral of the Felisian Navy Stardrifter Fleet. crew #2: - neuzd, Officer of the Felisian Navy Department of AstroCartography. DETAILS: The mission requires the two volunteer StarDrifters to focus on different areas of such location. The expected unusual behaviour that the StarDrifters should look for, is the apparition of other stars bearing the labels just assigned during the mission, at different coordinates from those where the naming process occurred. It has already been noted that such anomalies seem to appear like refelected on a mirror parallel to the Y Parsis axis of Feltyrion so, willing to avoid that the two StarDrifters assign a label to a potential "mirrored" star labeled by the other crew, it is suggested that all the naming process should happen on one of the two "sides" of such imaginary mirror. There are not restrctions on the labels assigned for this mission, the crews are free to choose from using free names or pattern based labels if they wish. Each crew mission coordinates are as follow: Crew #1 SD Litterbox: Rear Admiral Skinnymon 50000; 52350000; -150000 (BALEYYATRE) 50000; 52450000; -150000 (FHSAYL) 50000; 52550000; -150000 50000; 52650000; -150000 50000; 52750000; -150000 150000; 52350000; -250000 (ALKHONA) 150000; 52450000; -250000 (FENFEN) 150000; 52550000; -250000 150000; 52650000; -250000 150000; 52750000; -250000 250000; 52350000; -350000 250000; 52450000; -350000 250000; 52550000; -350000 250000; 52650000; -350000 250000; 52750000; -350000 Crew #2: Officer neuzd (same pattern but with decreasing Y from 52150000 at intervals of 100000 Parsis units) Five locations are listed in each block and only three blocks are displayed but no limits are actually imposed by this briefing except the first triplet which must be considered the lower angle of the imaginary square in which stay confined. The suggested pattern can be described as each block is going up a column, while the change of block would be shifting on the next column (starting from the "bottom"), of the "Grid shape". Having recent discoveries brought confusion in dealing with the mapping process when such events occurr, the suggested systems names are only theoretical and reporting already labeled systems may be considered an optional task. Mission submitted by Officer neuzd Felisian Navy Department of AstroCartography 6011:789.611.000